"We are Family"
Supreme Governor
As your newly elected Supreme Governor, I bring greetings from the entire Supreme Council. It is my pleasure to serve each and every one of you this next year. I want to call each of you to be full of life, to be the go-getter, hard worker, self-starter member of your lodge or chapter and your community. I want to call each of you individually and all of us collectively, to step it up a notch or two, to expand our vision, to do more in the next twelve months than we’ve ever done in any one year for the last decade.
I want you to be the person to stand up and say Let’s make a difference. Challenge your brothers and sisters to get moving and to make a difference. We are Moose on a Mission. We will make a difference.
Fellow Moose, we are all honored to be members of this great fraternity that started one-hundred-and-thirty years ago, if you want your lodge to make a difference, then each of us must make a difference.
God bless our kids at Mooseheart and our seniors at Moosehaven – God Bless the Loyal Order of Moose.
Harry Johnston, Supreme Governor